Sus kids

  1. 1. famous FHB
  2. 3. the Italian tackle
  3. 5. dads Hudson
  4. 7. teletubbies
  5. 9. mums 26? Mums a millionaire?
  6. 10. Jason
  7. 12. came and went again
  8. 14. big kind teddy
  9. 15. a total show off
  10. 16. little fortnight kid
  11. 17. was in Singapore
  1. 1. dads Harper
  2. 2. rhymes with cranky
  3. 4. to be honest nothing for him fourth letter D
  4. 5. eww stinky
  5. 6. its just sad
  6. 7. you don’t like
  7. 8. muuuuuuum i slapped EE again
  8. 11. currently my friend
  9. 12. nice mum you met at Albert birthday party
  10. 13. former footy bully