
  1. 2. life, ,sea animals
  2. 4. ,reef a reef with coral in it
  3. 6. ,colourles liquid
  4. 9. ,an area with lots of trees
  5. 11. ,the sea
  6. 12. ,a nature stream
  7. 13. reef, ,with coral in it
  8. 14. ,to reuse something
  9. 15. ,people did not creat it
  1. 1. ,a property where crops grow
  2. 3. ,dirt
  3. 5. ,a thing that grows
  4. 7. forest, ,a forest where it rains
  5. 8. ,a tall plant with leaves
  6. 9. ,the part of a plant
  7. 10. ,a living creature