Sustaining Aotearoa

  1. 2. Energy caused by the movement of electrons.
  2. 5. Forms of energy generated from the environment's natural resources: wind, water, sun and geothermal.
  3. 6. Energy caused by an object's vibrations.
  4. 7. Energy of motion
  5. 9. Heat energy derived within the sub-surface of the earth.
  6. 13. Nuclear energy in Te Reo
  1. 1. Energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects.
  2. 3. Potential energy stored in chemical bonds (food, batteries, petrol etc)
  3. 4. Wind energy in Te Reo
  4. 8. Energy of stretched or compressed objects
  5. 10. Steam/vapour in Te Reo
  6. 11. Strong/violent wind in Te Reo
  7. 12. Potential energy that depends on the height of an object