SW: Weathering and Erosion

  1. 3. __________ is a rock's foundation.
  2. 4. When carbon dioxide and water mix, they create __________.
  3. 6. When rocks heat up,expand, cool off, and contract, they go through __________ stress.
  4. 11. __________ National Park was the first U.S. national park.
  5. 12. Water __________ like rivers and ocean can also cause weathering.
  6. 14. President Woodrow Wilson founded the __________Park Service (NPS) in 1916.
  7. 15. Ice __________ is when glaciers freeze to the bedrock and take layers o sediment with them when they move.
  1. 1. A __________ is a person who explores caves.
  2. 2. Natural __________ like floods, tornadoes, and avalanches can erode rocks.
  3. 5. The process of __________ includes when glaciers scrape along rock and smooth their surfaces.
  4. 7. __________ is the transportation of sediments.
  5. 8. Yellowstone Volcano is the biggest supervolcano in __________ America.
  6. 9. Frost __________ occurs when water enters the cracks in rocks and freezes.
  7. 10. __________ is the process that breaks down rocks.
  8. 13. __________ erosion is when raindrops cas soil to "jump", creating a small crater.