Swiss Cross Word Trivia

  1. 1. Lucerne Receives large amount of water from the Reuss River
  2. 3. Largest city in Switzerland
  3. 5. Where Matterhorn is located
  4. 6. Swiss name for chocolate
  5. 8. Visitors travel to this region of Switzerland to ascend the Santis
  6. 9. World's largest particle physics laboratory based in Geneva
  7. 11. A Swiss popular sport
  8. 14. typical Swiss music instrument
  9. 15. Swiss grocery chain store
  10. 16. How many medals won by Switzerland in the 2004 Athens Olympics
  1. 1. Home to a number of vineyards
  2. 2. Person who is protected by the Swiss guards
  3. 4. Swiss popular sport
  4. 6. Traditional Swiss sport
  5. 7. Name that appears on Switzerland's postage stamps
  6. 10. Country that does Not border Switzerland
  7. 12. fomous Swiss watch
  8. 13. Name of warm, dry wind that blows in the Alps in winter