SWK 280HA Semester Review

  1. 4. Social_______ theory states that humans desire to maximize benefits and minimize costs in their interactions.
  2. 5. ___________ psychology views unconscious mental functioning as taking place within the ego, which is the part of the personality that mediates between internal drives and the external world.
  3. 9. To understand whether an event in the family system becomes a crisis, we need to understand the impact of resources and the family's ____________of the event
  4. 10. Psychotropic medications affect these levels.
  5. 12. This theory is concerned with how internal processes such as needs, drives, and emotions motivate human behavior.
  6. 14. A way of looking at something.
  7. 15. The family ___________perspective identifies and strengthens processes that allow families to rebound from distressing life experiences.
  1. 1. This perspective focuses on how human behavior unfolds across the life course, how people change and stay the same over time.
  2. 2. Attachment theory states that the impact of early __________during development affects lifelong relationships.
  3. 3. Internalized representation of the world or an ingrained and systematic pattern of thought, action, and problem solving.
  4. 6. This perspective sees human behavior as the outcome of interactions within and among systems of interrelated parts.
  5. 7. An interrelated set of concepts and propositions, organized into a deductive system that explains relationships among aspects of our world.
  6. 8. This theory focuses on the dignity and worth of each individual and the human capacity to change.
  7. 11. _________course perspective looks at how biological, psychological, and social factors act in shaping people's lives from conception until death.
  8. 13. These theories are based on the idea that thoughts produce emotions.