- 2. Sigourney weaver in a white tank with parasite babies
- 5. '60s Hitchcock where these animals really hate one blonde lady (movie title)
- 7. fish are friends not food, but people can be (movie title)
- 8. " " the cannibal (character name)
- 10. cult children lure victims to a vegetable god (the movie of our people)
- 11. this prom is telekinetically on fire
- 13. documentary gone wrong
- 14. "bear" naked Ikea maypole murders
- 15. Friday the " " (movie title)
- 16. (nationality) psycho
- 1. Captain Kirk painted white ( movie title)
- 3. " " on elm street
- 4. Reagan (the main character) vomits on a catholic
- 6. Sydni's favorite (movie title)
- 9. accidental beheadings are not genetically inherited/allergies and telephone poles don't mix
- 12. four goth teens with murderous feminine rage (movie title)
- 17. weird child's catchphrase while his dad goes slowly mad