Syllabus and Lab Safety

  1. 1. Another term for this is academic dishonesty
  2. 3. This is 15% of your overall grade
  3. 6. When you are _______, please check Google Classroom for make up assignments
  4. 8. This term is a part of PRIDE and will keep you working throughout the year
  5. 10. Another term for academic honesty
  6. 11. This will be accepted up to one week after the due date ant Has a trunk
  7. 13. You must sign in and out, carry a pass and be back in ten minutes to use this
  8. 14. This must be put away unless you have permission to use it
  9. 15. This must be brought charged each day
  1. 2. This is demonstrated by working well with others
  2. 3. Homework, Warm Ups, and Worksheets are a part of this grading category
  3. 4. Please demonstrate this with the classroom materials, your peers and teacher
  4. 5. The first word in PRIDE
  5. 7. The number of units that we will complete over the year
  6. 9. Quizzes, Labs and Projects are a part of this grading category
  7. 12. Where you can find agendas and class assignments