Syllabus Crossword

  1. 7. make-up work: where do you check to see what you missed?
  2. 9. school supplies: bring _____ notebook ASAP
  3. 10. test corrections must be made within a ____ of grades being posted
  4. 11. tests count as _____ percent of your grade
  5. 13. come to ______ if you need help with anything!!
  6. 15. if you fail a quiz, you can ____ make corrections
  7. 16. you cannot turn in late ____ once they have been graded/returned
  1. 1. make-up work: pick up any missed worksheets in the ___
  2. 2. occurs when you present someone else's work, ideas, or words as your own, without proper attribution.
  3. 3. Cheating IS a form of plagiarism and you will receive grade of ____
  4. 4. English 3 covers American Literature and English 4 covers ______
  5. 5. is key!
  6. 6. English is my ________ class this year!
  7. 8. ____ work will be penalized 20 points
  8. 12. who is responsible for checking Skyward for your grades
  9. 13. you must make up a test/quiz within ____ days or points will be deducted
  10. 14. if you fail a _____, you can make corrections