
  1. 1. A small wild plant with three leaves. One with four leaves instead of three, thought to bring good luck.
  2. 3. The symbol of Easter which represents fertility, as this animal can have many young.
  3. 5. Carving and making a lantern from this orange vegetable became the symbolic activity at Halloween. It is also a traditional American feast dish served on Thanksgiving.
  4. 8. When celebrating and blessing the new bread, it is usually decorated with a wheat wreath and this blue flower.
  5. 10. It symbolises new life at spring. It is also a symbol of Easter: chicks breaking through this small oval object symbolizes the way how Christ broke from the tomb, from darkness to light.
  6. 11. A piece of curved iron that is attached with nails to the bottom of a horse’s foot. It is often used as a symbol of good luck.
  1. 1. A person whose job is to clean the inside of chimneys. As this person is supposed to bring good luck, people give small keyrings or knick-knacks showing it to each other on New Year’s Day.
  2. 2. A coloured pole decorated with flowers or a tree decorated with colourful ribbons that people dance round in celebrations on May Day. It is the symbol of the rebirth of nature in spring.
  3. 4. a greeting card designed with hearts and sent anonymously that expresses affection to a chosen partner on February 14
  4. 6. A round decoration made of ribbon with the national colour that Hungarians wear on their shirts on March 15.
  5. 7. A small cake made of fried dough, usually in the shape of a ring, or round and filled with jam. It is a typical food eaten during the carnival season in Hungary.
  6. 9. In the Catholic church, this animal is the symbol of Christ at Easter representing Jesus as an innocent man sentenced to death.