Symptoms & Illnesses

  1. 5. makes you sneeze and eyes water
  2. 6. causes your back to hurt
  3. 7. destroys your immune system
  4. 9. causes your ear to hurt
  5. 12. causes your head to hurt
  6. 13. effects your blood sugar
  7. 15. spot where insect bit you
  8. 16. damage the intestines
  9. 17. when the nose bleeds
  10. 18. disease of the lungs
  1. 1. area on body that hurts & is discolored
  2. 2. causes your ear to hurt
  3. 3. make you blow your nose
  4. 4. destroys your brain
  5. 8. disease of the heart
  6. 10. is related to Covid 19
  7. 11. makes you feel very hot, cold and weak
  8. 14. make it hard to swallow