Table Setting + Etiquette Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. extra money given by a guest to a waiter or other staff
  2. 4. rules for behaving correctly in social situations
  3. 6. a flat piece of cloth, plastic or wood at the center of each place setting on a dining table
  4. 9. a cloth or paper towel for wiping your mouth and hands while eating
  5. 10. a display placed in the middle of a dining table
  6. 11. a glass placed by the upper right corner of the dinner plate
  7. 12. a utensil placed to the right of the dinner plate
  8. 13. a savory food served as an appetizer before the main course
  9. 14. ordered as a separate dish; not part of a set menu
  1. 1. a dish that's eaten before the main course
  2. 3. a small plate for buttering bread rolls
  3. 5. a large cloth for covering a dining table
  4. 7. a utensil placed to the right of the dinner knife
  5. 8. a utensil placed to the left of the dinner plate
  6. 11. utensils placed horizontally for an after dinner treat