Taekwon-Do Green Belt Theory

  1. 3. You're flying!
  2. 4. A symbolic animal
  3. 5. Front elbow strike in Korean
  4. 7. Number of masters, goals at a time and blows for victory
  5. 9. A motion where two movements happen in one sine wave
  6. 11. He introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in 686AD
  7. 14. Avoiding sparring and falling to the ground have the same result
  1. 1. Your opponent might fall but you get the foul
  2. 2. If two movements are performed with two sine waves and one breath your motion is...
  3. 6. If you commit a foul the referee will say
  4. 8. Consecutive Kick in Korean
  5. 10. A word for the part of your hand with no fingers or thumbs
  6. 12. Pull someone close and you'll lose a point
  7. 13. In Korean your elbow is called