- 7. We are to ___ our neighbors as ourselves (Lev 19:18; Mt 22:39; Rom 13:9). And, since ___ does no harm to a neighbor (Rom 13:10), we should not steal from them (Rom 13:9; cf. Lk 18:20; Eph 4:28; 1 Pet 4:15-16)!
- 8. If a thief could not afford the repayment for their theft, they could sell themselves as a debt ____ (i.e., temporary servant), until they worked off their debt (Ex 22:3; cf. Lev 25:39-42).
- 9. (Two words) Ultimately, everything on earth was created by (and therefore belongs to) ___ ____ (Ps 24:1; 50:12).
- 10. Stealing treasures from the LORD’s holy war that were supposed to be devoted to God resulted in Achan and his clan being burned and ____ (Joshua 7).
- 12. Thieves deserve punishment (Ps 50:16-18, 22), typically in the form of _____ (i.e., paying back what they stole with interest) (Ex 22:1, 3-4, 7-12; Lev 6:1-7).
- 1. God gave ____, whom He made in His image (Gen 1:26-27), the ability and responsibility to work on the earth, take care of the earth, and enjoy the fruits of their labor on the earth (Gen 2:15-16; Ps 115:16).
- 2. We should not covet what others have (Ex 20:17); we should be ____ with what we have (Php 4:12-13; Heb 13:5)!
- 3. Whether it’s thieving or deceiving or improperly receiving, the Eighth Commandment prohibits all kinds of ___ (Ex 20:15; cf. Lev 19:11, 13; Dt 5:19).
- 4. Taking ____ from defeated enemies was not considered theft, when the LORD had led Israel against their foes and given them the victory with the spoils (Dt 20:10-14).
- 5. Anyone who kidnapped an Israelite, and/or sold them as a slave, and/or treated them as a slave was to be put to ____ (Ex 21:16; Dt 24:7; cf. 1 Tim 1:10).
- 6. Thieves should stop stealing and work (Eph 4:28). For thieves who persist in their thievery, along with many other kinds of unrepentant wrongdoers, will not ____ the Kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-11).
- 11. Whether or not the victim (cf. Ex 22:26-27) or the thief (Pr 6:30-31, 30:8-9) is ____, stealing can dishonor the Name of God (Pr 30:9).