Takutsubo Syndrome (TTS)

  1. 3. Colloquial name for TTS
  2. 5. TTS is not a chronic condition but rather _____
  3. 6. ______ counseling has the greatest effect on recovery and reducing the risk of recurrence
  4. 8. This deficiency can be implicated in TTS, especially in women
  5. 12. Trigger for TTS
  6. 13. TTS is a type of _____, or disease of the heart muscle
  7. 14. Common S/S for TTS
  1. 1. Medication commonly used to manage condition
  2. 2. Group most vulnerable to TTS
  3. 4. Imaging commonly used to diagnose condition
  4. 7. TTS can have the same clinical manifestation as this condition
  5. 9. This section of the heart has compromised contractility
  6. 10. Common S/S for TTS
  7. 11. Surge of ____ causes myocardial damage