Tale of the Furies

  1. 3. snakes for hair like __________
  2. 5. what they do to the people they pursue
  3. 10. the endless fury
  4. 11. also known as the daughters of the __________
  5. 13. the jealous rage fury
  6. 14. the Roman name for the furies
  1. 1. born of the blood of whom?
  2. 2. furies have wings like a __________
  3. 4. furies were the female spirits of justice and _________
  4. 6. also punishes those that break _________
  5. 7. the punishment fury
  6. 8. outside of families, furies protect ____________
  7. 9. know to chase down anyone who kills __________
  8. 12. associated closely with this god