Talisman Crossword

  1. 3. frequently an annoucement
  2. 6. 11th grade history requirement
  3. 9. "before you leave you must ___ ___!"
  4. 11. beaver creation
  5. 12. time with Cunningham or Reese?
  6. 14. the hallways during passing period
  7. 15. musical?
  8. 19. senior color
  1. 1. to represent us all
  2. 2. math teacher
  3. 3. doesn't dimiss you, I DO
  4. 4. math pod location
  5. 5. small but mighty
  6. 7. "lets get a little bit ____!"
  7. 8. fresh snowfall
  8. 10. between white and black
  9. 13. required to enter winterball
  10. 16. feeling hungry?
  11. 17. the best potassium
  12. 18. taylor album released 2012