Tandem Diabetes Care Crossword

  1. 4. A blockage associated with the infusion set and/or infusion site that can stop or slow insulin delivery.
  2. 7. The disposable component of the Tandem pump that holds the insulin
  3. 8. A hormone, produced by beta cells in the pancreas, that helps the body use glucose for energy
  4. 9. A hormone secreted by the pancreas that acts in opposition to insulin in the regulation of blood glucose levels
  5. 12. A waste product that accumulates when glucose is not available and fat is used for energy.
  1. 1. High blood glucose or high blood sugar
  2. 2. Measurement of insulin volume
  3. 3. Low blood glucose, low blood sugar, or insulin reaction
  4. 5. Reflects how much insulin is remaining in the body from a previous bolus (or boluses) that will continue to lower glucose
  5. 6. A quick dose of insulin that is delivered to cover food consumed or elevated blood glucose.
  6. 7. The tiny, flexible section of the infusion set that is inserted under the skin and through which insulin is delivered
  7. 10. Sugars and starches that the body breaks down to glucose and uses as an energy source, measured in grams
  8. 11. The primary source of energy for the body that breaks down from food, mostly carbohydrate, and is also produced by the liver