Tang and Song China

  1. 4. White ceramic made of a special clay and a mineral found only in China.
  2. 6. Genghis Khan's grandson who ruled all of China, Korea, and Tibet.
  3. 8. Broken up large agricultural land holdings and redistributed to peasants.
  4. 9. Chinese dynasty from 960-1279; known for its artistic achievements.
  5. 11. Wealthy landowning class
  6. 13. This technology spread to Korea and Japan; movable type also developed later in Europe.
  7. 14. Payment a women brings to a marriage.
  8. 15. Brilliant general, government reformer and historian.
  9. 16. Clock in which machinery regulated the movements.
  10. 17. Multistoried temple with eaves that curve up at the corners.
  11. 20. States remained self-governing but rulers had to acknowledge Chinese supremacy and send tribute to the Tang emperor.
  12. 21. An Italian merchant who stayed in China for 17 years.
  13. 22. A Chinese admiral and diplomat who had many overseas ventures.
  1. 1. Empress during the Tang dynasty.
  2. 2. Leader of the Mongol forces that conquered an empire from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean.
  3. 3. A Chinese dynasty founded by Zhu Yuanzhang.
  4. 5. The name Kublai Khan adopted for his dynasty.
  5. 7. Floating magnetized needle that always points north-south.
  6. 10. Chinese dynasty from 618-907.
  7. 12. Made from a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal.
  8. 18. Issued by Song government to replace strings of metal cash used by merchants.
  9. 19. Vast, treeless plains, of Central Asia.