Tangerine Crossword Puzzle{Jayiah}

  1. 5. Paul have glasses True
  2. 9. What is the color of the fruit that the county in named after that Paul and his family moved to?
  3. 11. Who doesn't have a dream setup for him?
  4. 14. What is Paul's dad job?
  5. 16. what sport does he do?
  6. 17. What made Paul upset with his mom when he first joined the school?
  7. 19. What tickets did the coach give Paul and Joey?
  1. 1. Paul's position on the soccer team?
  2. 2. What do you call it when one person is more liked than the other?
  3. 3. Is there a gymnasium at Paul's school?
  4. 4. What made Paul's mom call the firefighter?
  5. 6. when a family moves place to place to live what is it called?
  6. 7. How did he die?
  7. 8. Paul's crush?
  8. 10. what is an excuse that people kept using that held Paul back?
  9. 12. What was the big event that happened at Paul's school?
  10. 13. Where did Paul use to live?
  11. 14. does the the mom or dad have a job?
  12. 15. What was Paul when he first came to the school?
  13. 18. what building does Paul learn in?