Tangerine, Part One

  1. 4. Girl Paul meets at school
  2. 5. Name of Erik's new best friend
  3. 7. Back-up Quarter Back for Lake Windsor High
  4. 11. Name of the development where the Fishers live (in Florida)
  5. 13. Where Paul goes with Joey Costello
  6. 14. Principal of LWMS
  7. 15. The form Paul's mom fills out because of his eyesight
  1. 1. Name of coach at LWHS
  2. 2. What Paul has to wear because of his eyesight
  3. 3. Guidance Counselor and LWMS
  4. 6. The town the Fishers leave to move to Florida
  5. 8. Where Paul want to transfer
  6. 9. Paul's nickname when he was in very young
  7. 10. Position Paul plays in Soccer
  8. 11. Mike Costello's demise
  9. 12. What the portables fall into at LWMS