- 3. Windsor Paul's first school in Florida
- 4. Erik's friend and caused the death of Luis Cruz
- 5. the main character
- 6. Luis died from this
- 8. something that you can get in soccer
- 9. a citrus fruit
- 12. electricity from the sky
- 14. goal a 3 point kick in football
- 15. football kicker
- 16. Paul's last name
- 17. a sport that Erik plays
- 19. the sport that Paul plays
- 1. something that happened to Luis Cruz and Mike Costello
- 2. the position that Paul plays in soccer
- 6. Victor can be this after being insulted
- 7. Giving a holiday that involves Turkey
- 10. Bloor the author of the book
- 11. a hole in the ground
- 13. Arthur can represent this word
- 18. Paul's best friend at the beginning of the book