Tax Made Easy

  1. 1. All of these are required to file a tax return
  2. 4. Month commenced
  3. 8. An audit of all tax types of a taxpayer
  4. 10. Anniversary 2024
  5. 11. This taxpayer makes more than $25M in Sales
  6. 12. Word used to describe previous entities
  7. 13. The process of inspecting and reviewing the records of a business
  8. 14. An amount due to the taxpayer after a return is filed
  9. 17. Person in Charge (1 word)
  10. 18. A principle of action proposed by BRA
  11. 19. Tax paid by a registrant to another registrant
  1. 2. Partial name of the Division
  2. 3. Abbreviation for tax on earnings
  3. 5. The initial process to become a taxpayer
  4. 6. This pillar is necessary for any Authority
  5. 7. Fees paid to a person who assist in managing a business but is not an employee
  6. 9. The team leader is called
  7. 12. This governs all actions of the BRA
  8. 15. Abbreviation for Double Taxation Agreement
  9. 16. The Authority we collect funds on behalf of