
  1. 2. below class, based on similar characteristics and evolutionary relationships
  2. 4. below genus, most specific. can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  3. 5. study of evolutionary relationships among organisms
  4. 8. structures in different species that share a common ancestry
  5. 9. study of diversity of live and evolutionary relationships among organisms
  6. 11. below kingdom, based on body and structural characteristics
  7. 14. structures in different species with similar functions but different evolutionary origins
  8. 16. diagram representing the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms
  9. 19. using two-part scientific name to classify a species
  10. 20. method of classification based on evolutionary relationships and shared ancestry
  1. 1. naming and categorizing living organisms based on shared characteristics
  2. 3. used for different pairs of contrasting characteristics that lead to the identification of an organism
  3. 6. below order, based on classifying on a specific shared characteristic
  4. 7. system of naming organisms or rules and conventions for naming species
  5. 10. study of form and structure of an organism
  6. 12. below family, grouping with similar characteristics and genetic relatedness
  7. 13. science of classification, organization, and naming living organisms
  8. 15. it's plural name is taxa, any unit of biological classification
  9. 17. highest taxonomic rank and most broad category
  10. 18. below phylum, based on shared traits