- 2. I once was ____ but...
- 3. ___ only draws the unlucky
- 6. And my blind ___ to blame
- 9. Your ___ sh!t
- 11. ___ as sin
- 14. That you were Romeo I was a ____ letter
- 17. Keep your ___, keep your life son
- 18. Picking on the _____
- 19. ____ looks at me
- 22. Like you were a trophy or a ___
- 23. Boys only want love if it's ___
- 1. Waving ___ queens
- 4. A few ___ ago
- 5. There's a ___ off the pavement
- 7. So I showed up at your ___
- 8. Remember when you hit the ___ too soon?
- 10. Lights are off he's taking off his ___
- 12. ____ that's much cooler than mine
- 13. We can't make any ___ now
- 15. ___'s a friend of mine
- 16. ____ never broke my bones
- 20. There is an ___ in the shape of you
- 21. Did the ___ bruise paint you blue?