- 1. Take our broken hearts put them into ______
- 5. The length of Enchanted(EX:4:12)
- 6. We were dancing with our ____ tied
- 7. Taylors moms name
- 8. What taylor shows on her hands during the Fearless era
- 10. Don't say a single ___
- 12. Love would be for ________
- 14. All this time I didn't know that you were ___
- 15. Featured in ME!
- 2. Featured in Ready for It...
- 3. Hello Mr._________Fine
- 4. Honey I could build a ______
- 5. Two hours after Midnights ___ edition (EX:2am)
- 9. Like I'm a _____ and she's so over it’s.
- 11. I got tired of _______
- 13. You almost ran the ___ cause you were lookin right at me
- 14. You're just another picture to ____
- 16. From the song with the lyric: Sir I think he's bleeding