- 6. An expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry (ex-boyfriend)
- 8. Color associated with Swift’s 2012 album and her signature lipstick
- 10. At tea time, everybody agrees she is the problem
- 11. "You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an ____"
- 12. Taylor Swift's brother's name
- 13. Taylor's birthday month
- 14. Look What You _____ Me Do
- 1. a boyfriend, a god, a relaxing thought
- 2. “____ ____ the walls we crashed through, all the magic we made”
- 3. Album released in December of 2020
- 4. Taylor's lucky number
- 5. What Taylor Swift left at her boyfriend’s sister’s house
- 7. U.S. state in which Taylor Swift was born
- 9. What flavor are Taylor Swift's famous cookies?
- 10. Taylor Swift's middle name (check your spelling)