TCAP- Earth systems

  1. 4. the innermost layer of earth divided into 2 parts, liquid outer and solid inner, made of iron and nickel
  2. 7. A solid inorganic material found in nature
  3. 9. still in existence, surviving species
  4. 11. the solid, outermost layer of earth, lying above the mantle
  5. 12. compress or squeeze through solids and liquids. travels faster then S
  6. 15. Group of animals that occupy a certain area
  7. 16. form at convergent boundaries where one plates subducts under another, and magma underground is pushed upward
  8. 18. Petroleum, natural gas, coal, made from remains of plants and animals
  9. 19. boundary where tectonic plates divide
  10. 20. the study of earthquakes and related phenomena
  11. 23. forms under extreme heat and pressure. Appears twisted.
  12. 25. occurs the divergent plates separate. convection currents cause less dense material to rise. creates new ocean floor
  13. 26. when a sudden release of energy in the lithosphere creates seismic waves
  14. 28. A tool that measures/ records details of earthquakes
  15. 30. boundary where tectonic plates collide
  16. 31. below the lithosphere. hotter and more fluid part of mantle
  1. 1. forms from pre-existing rock and fossils. Appears layered.
  2. 2. move side to side through only solids. travels slower then p waves
  3. 3. the supercontinent that existed before contents separated
  4. 5. the movement caused within a fluid when the hotter, less dense material rises, and colder, denser material
  5. 6. when magma flows through a rock in the middle of a tectonic plate, and not at all a plate boundary. Hawaiian islands were formed this way
  6. 8. No longer in existence
  7. 10. large pieces of lithosphere that the ocean and continents rest on
  8. 13. the lower part of earths mantle, below the asthenosphere
  9. 14. boundary where tectonic plates slide past each other
  10. 17. The study of earth
  11. 21. the outer part of earth. includes the crust and upper mantel
  12. 22. water held underground in the soil in deep reservoirs
  13. 24. when heat , pressure, cooling, melting, and weathering cause rocks to change from one type to another over time
  14. 27. forms when molten rock crystallizes and solidifies, Appears glassy.
  15. 29. the layer that lies between earths crust and core. the majority of earths mass is in this layer