Te Māra - Our School Garden

  1. 2. the long flexible pipe which transports water
  2. 5. this setting on the hose head is gentle on plants
  3. 7. Polynesian earth oven
  4. 9. this transparent shed is warmer than outdoors
  5. 12. the area of soil we grow our plants in
  6. 13. snaky bindweed with a long white root
  7. 14. the crop we grow that can grow in water
  8. 15. weedy vine with big seedpod
  9. 18. baby spade for making a small hole
  10. 19. the tool we use to loosen and lift soil
  11. 20. this tool digs and slices
  1. 1. the bush with white flowers for most of the year
  2. 3. we carry weeds, compost and dirt in this
  3. 4. we cut these and put them in a vase
  4. 6. season is cooler than summer
  5. 8. you wear these when you use machinery
  6. 10. tiny native bird that flits in our garden
  7. 11. we use this tool to snip off seed heads
  8. 14. long tapering root that grows straight down
  9. 15. finely chopped up wood we spread to keep weeds down
  10. 16. the weird marrow with the long necks on the fence
  11. 17. we use this tool to spread out mulch or soil evenly