Teachers of VSC

  1. 5. The person in charge of everything
  2. 7. An ELA teacher on the second floor
  3. 8. A Science teacher who has taught at VSC since it opened and wears Nikes
  4. 9. An athletic teacher who likes to have fun
  5. 11. An ELA teacher on the first floor
  6. 12. A Social Studies teacher who likes baseball
  7. 14. This teacher is bilingual
  1. 1. A Science teacher who also sings
  2. 2. He is the basketball coach at VSC
  3. 3. An ELA teacher who likes to hide Pop Tart the Elf
  4. 4. This Assistant Principal plays basketball and uses the phrase "Don't Fall for the Okie-Doke"
  5. 6. A Math teacher who likes to play Call of Duty
  6. 10. A Science/Social Studies teacher who also is in charge of the A/V squad
  7. 13. This Assistant Principal has an office on the second floor