
  1. 3. The orchestra teacher
  2. 5. The best social studies teacher
  3. 6. Teaches computer technology and is a wrestling coach
  4. 8. looks like Papa Smurf and teaches math
  5. 11. The band teacher
  6. 12. 6th grade teacher,does pre-engineering and has been at Syringa for a long time
  7. 15. The teacher everyone dislikes
  8. 16. The teacher that just joined and everyone dislikes
  9. 17. The Advanced 8th grade ELA teacher
  10. 18. The science teacher that can't be grossed out and has a phd
  1. 1. Used to share a room with Dr.Ferro
  2. 2. The grouchy teacher who will wrestle kids (it's been done)
  3. 4. Teaches Freshman math
  4. 7. Teaches advanced 6th grade math and 7th grade math
  5. 9. Teaches health and created the outdoor adventures class
  6. 10. Has all the snacks and concessions
  7. 13. Is married to the newly retired P.E teacher
  8. 14. Has a sign to not torture pets
  9. 17. The librarian