Teaching Literacy

  1. 2. alternative to
  2. 8. one of the six traits of writing
  3. 9. vocabulary should not be taught this way
  4. 10. question type to answer during reading
  5. 11. learns best through experiences in nature
  6. 12. number of models for questioning
  7. 13. good questioning strategy
  8. 14. these are texts used to model reading strategies
  9. 16. high learning expectations
  10. 17. naming ,defining, identifying
  11. 19. teachers does this by using the read a loud strategy
  12. 20. a characteristic of good questioning
  1. 1. aha moment in fiction reading
  2. 3. learns through words/language
  3. 4. key to student learning
  4. 5. learns through social interaction
  5. 6. type of non formal assessment
  6. 7. Marzano has a 6 step process to learn this
  7. 15. type of vocabulary structure
  8. 18. learns through rhythm and/or music
  9. 21. type of workshop used to teach reading fluency