- 2. The English word for 'éducation spécialisée'
- 5. The English word for 'colère'
- 8. A word used to describe people who do not have a home
- 10. To assist/help people. The English word for 'accompagnement'
- 12. The English word for 'besoin'
- 13. The English word for 'moquerie'
- 14. The English word for 'demande'
- 1. The act of being able to manage one's emotions and behaviour without an outside intervention
- 3. Saying or writing something to someone with the intention of inflicting harm
- 4. The English word for 'notes évolutives'
- 6. This word is used to describe a family that welcomes other children into their homes and provide bed, food and care.
- 7. The English word for 'agression'
- 9. A word used to describe old people
- 11. A person who commits an illegal act. Another word for 'criminal' or 'lawbreaker'.
- 13. A word used to describe the state of someone who is in deep sorrow because they just lost a loved one.