  1. 1. S in SMART goal
  2. 3. Work done by several associates
  3. 4. plan and organize the team task
  4. 6. Innovator creates … ideas
  5. 9. J in INTJ
  6. 11. Types of team role
  7. 13. Take … action
  8. 14. Sculptor use their …... to assess the team tasks
  9. 15. Second step of negotiations
  10. 20. Recommendations for negotiations
  11. 24. Focus on details
  12. 25. Developed and their cooperative action assists to achieve team goal
  13. 29. provide unique solutions
  14. 30. One party stop negotiations
  15. 31. … alternatives
  16. 32. T in ISTJ
  17. 34. Their attention is directed to beneficial change
  18. 36. Driven by values and inner conviction
  19. 38. maintain harmony within the team
  20. 40. F in ISFP
  1. 2. E in ENFP
  2. 5. Both sides giving up a little
  3. 7. action oriented and aim to maintain the team’s sense of urgency
  4. 8. People cooperate
  5. 10. Personality that is good to be a curator
  6. 12. Prepared to adapt
  7. 16. Teams are the structural centres of many …
  8. 17. P in ISTP
  9. 18. One sides win
  10. 19. Define …
  11. 21. Formulate hypotheses and gather evidence
  12. 22. Members appoint themselves to protect the group
  13. 23. Successful teams generates strongly … and high achieving cultures
  14. 26. Personality that is good to be a scientist
  15. 27. Steps of decision making
  16. 28. Personality that is good to be a coach
  17. 33. A collection of individuals who have regular contact
  18. 35. Teams develop … dynamics between members
  19. 37. Explorer … new ways
  20. 39. A group of people linked in a common purpose