Team Work

  1. 3. Types traits which individuals express
  2. 5. Leadership when the leader is a visionary and appeals to a team’s ideals and values
  3. 6. Roles designated roles which depend on the goals of the group
  4. 10. when a leader gives little to no direction to team members, but provides support
  5. 11. cooperative action of a group of people in order to achieve a goal
  6. 12. act of working effectively with others to achieve a common goal
  7. 13. knowledge and abilities one gains throughout life
  8. 14. ability and process of motivating people toward a common goal; ability and
  9. 15. of affecting the thoughts and behaviors of others
  10. 16. natural abilities an individual is born with
  1. 1. when a leader has all of the power and decision-making authority
  2. 2. when everything is done according to the plan
  3. 4. Leadership participative leadership style which allows team members to be included in the decision making process
  4. 7. empathy
  5. 8. when the leader rewards work or punishes members for not working
  6. 9. ability to understand and express one’s own emotions; allows individuals to