Teapot Friends

  1. 2. Sharp, easily lost or broken but necessary
  2. 4. A most beloved pastime
  3. 5. Used for making tea
  4. 7. Something to drink your tea from
  5. 8. Hard to maintain but oh so important
  6. 9. A special instrument that shalt not cut paper
  7. 10. Protection for your fingers
  8. 13. The graceful art of undoing all your mistakes
  9. 14. A technique used to flatten fabric
  10. 16. People you like end enjoy spending time with
  1. 1. Multicoloured and very pretty
  2. 3. Something you add to a boring quilt
  3. 4. The lengthwise edge of woven fabric
  4. 6. Birds that are often used in quilt blocks
  5. 11. A quilt that involves all different blocks
  6. 12. Not up or down, left or right but ...
  7. 15. The Japanese art of blue and white embroidery