Tears of a tiger (23-34)

  1. 1. What did Andy buy with five-dollars bills on this accident’s night?
  2. 4. Who was burned to death?
  3. 7. How did Rob and Tyrone call Andy at elementery school?
  4. 8. In wich month did Andy return to school?
  5. 9. Who is the first person to care of Andy after his first day at school?
  6. 12. Who did people from downtown call?
  7. 14. Until which age did Andy will have his license revoke?
  8. 15. How did Andy feel when he came back to school?
  9. 16. Which color were band-aids?
  10. 17. What’s the name ok Rhonda’s sister?
  11. 18. In wich grade did Andy meet Rob for the first time?
  12. 19. How did Andy’s mother react after the accident?
  1. 2. Who is Tyrone dating?
  2. 3. After the accident, Andy went to court for his sentence . The judge decided to revoke his_______
  3. 5. Which boy have never make the team?
  4. 6. What did Andy compare his meeting to in front of the tribunal?
  5. 10. How many games did Hazelwood team forfeited?
  6. 11. What kind of sandwich did Gerald eat when he was young?
  7. 13. Who did Rhonda write to on November 22?
  8. 18. Since how many years did B-J try to be in the basketball team?