Tech-cross 4A

  1. 3. Most popular video sharing website
  2. 6. Micro blogging website
  3. 7. The only web browser which supports TOR
  4. 10. A video conferencing app owned by windows
  5. 11. Wireless internet connectivity
  6. 13. This type of software protects your devices from viruses and malware.
  7. 15. 128-character set
  1. 1. A language which creates structure of web page
  2. 2. An open source operating system
  3. 4. A box like device which is used to send WiFi signals
  4. 5. World's richest man
  5. 8. Mobile company to first introduce camera in a mobile
  6. 9. An analog input device used to control video games
  7. 12. Unit of digital image length
  8. 14. Virtual assistance by Apple