Tech terms

  1. 4. Random access memory
  2. 6. Portable document format
  3. 9. 1 million bytes
  4. 10. Ties all the important pieces of a computer together
  5. 14. thing that doesn't really exist but you own
  6. 16. Simulation of real life
  7. 17. Open source software
  8. 19. Domain name system
  9. 20. Malicious software
  10. 21. Online journal
  11. 22. coded message
  1. 1. systems Windows 10 or mac OS
  2. 2. Hyper text markup language
  3. 3. Protects your computer from malware
  4. 4. Brings things on and off the internet for you
  5. 5. Pieces of code that watch what your doing
  6. 7. connects you directly to your router
  7. 8. Changes digital to analogue
  8. 11. Address Internet protocol address
  9. 12. or Reboot Start or restart
  10. 13. personal identifiable information
  11. 15. Read only memory
  12. 18. A place where a computer does stuff