Tech Terms (Sophie W.☺)

  1. 3. An older version of CDs
  2. 11. information processed by a computer
  3. 12. Microsoft Excel
  4. 15. an apple product(Not an Imac...)
  5. 16. a large database that many people could not live with out
  6. 17. no, he is not your personal chauffeur
  7. 21. like a text message, only on the computer, and no totally awesome ringer
  8. 23. Old printing technology
  9. 25. it came before dvd players and disk drives
  10. 26. made on Dec 31,broken Jan 5
  11. 28. Also called a box
  12. 29. Some people have a poor one, so they take Vitamin B12
  13. 36. browsers, files, gadgets, ect
  14. 37. URL
  15. 38. ♥,e,4,#,☼,~, ect.
  16. 39. "I agree to the terms of use"
  17. 42. A small picture that represents a program
  18. 44. "ACHOO" said the computer
  19. 46. any problem your computer may have
  21. 49. wireless technology, often used in headsets
  22. 51. a laptop with a touch screen, and no keyboard
  1. 1. A CD like thing permanently attached to your computer
  2. 2. Times New Roman, Comic Sans, ect.
  3. 4. a high IQ mobile device
  4. 5. It hurts. ALOT!
  5. 6. the little rodent under your hand
  6. 7. your own electronic servant
  7. 8. a page on the internet programed with information on it
  8. 9. you can touch it
  9. 10. remembers where went online, and tastes delicious
  10. 13. TFT
  11. 14. It plays your movies
  12. 18. RAM
  13. 19. It comes preloaded with information or programs for your computer
  14. 20. you look out of one
  15. 22. *bing* you've got mail
  16. 24. 8-bit video games used these to make the pictures
  17. 27. it helps a picture to appear on the screen
  18. 30. ---- Cabinet
  19. 31. go out and find me a train
  20. 32. the blue circle with a window on it
  21. 33. DPI
  22. 34. the layout of a program
  23. 35. the main part of your computer
  24. 40. Amazons tablet
  25. 41. this is how you get songs from iTunes and stuff... Yeah...
  26. 43. another term for a laptop
  27. 45. a big conglomerate(mass) of information
  28. 47. you gaze listlessly at this wile you use the internet.
  29. 50. it shows the programs you are running