Technical Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. A valve for regulating the supply of a fluid to an engine.
  2. 7. A project launched by MAN to build high-performance charging in long-distance truck transport.
  3. 8. which app is needed to book lunch from office.
  4. 9. Which automation project is driven forward by MAN partnered with Deutsche Bahn & Fresenius University?
  5. 13. A vehicle that relies on hydrogen fuel cells to charge the vehicle’s battery.(Acronym)
  6. 14. A subsidiary of MAN Truck and Bus SE.
  7. 15. An instrument used for measuring angles of slope, elevation of a object with respect to gravity's direction
  8. 16. An abbreviation for leading trade show for logistics & commercial vehicles.
  9. 17. "Mileage" for ICE vehicle, "______" for electric vehicle.
  10. 19. An "early warning system" designed for electric vehicles and made mandatory by European union. (Acronym)
  1. 1. A device to supply an internal combustion engine with air/fuel mixture.
  2. 2. It is the component plant and international parts supplier in the production network.(MAN production site)
  3. 3. An abbreviation for a group-wide employee survey.
  4. 4. It is a hardware device that mechanically joins or affixes two or more objects together.
  5. 5. ______2022, MAN Family day event.
  6. 10. acronym for a type of fuel(used in vehicle as well)
  7. 11. MAN and NEOPLAN coaches are manufactured in this plant.
  8. 12. A Swedish manufacturer focusing on commercial vehicles.
  9. 13. Since EVs don’t have motors under the hood in the front, it’s used for storage space and it is lovingly called as?
  10. 18. The side of the battery where electrons flow in.