Medical Terminology

  1. 2. abbreviation for device used to administer Salbutamol
  2. 6. a condition in which the heart ceases to beat
  3. 9. an abnormal heart rhythm effecting the atrial chambers
  4. 10. used to auscultate
  5. 11. Abbreviation for a shockable heart rhythm
  6. 12. small circular sac found in the respiratory system
  1. 1. Transient ischemic attack
  2. 3. a colorless liquid analgesic absorbed via inhalation
  3. 4. the measurement of electricity used when a shock is delivered via an AED
  4. 5. the amount of medicine given at one time
  5. 7. a medication used to treat anaphylaxis
  6. 8. the term used to describe the top number in a blood pressure reading