Technical Vocab of Legislative Work

  1. 1. a committee that determines when a bill will be subject to debate and vote on the House floor, how long it will last, and if amendments are allowed on the floor
  2. 3. a motion filed by a member in congress to move a bill out of committee and onto the floor of the House for a vote
  3. 5. Tactic where a senator may use the right of unlimited debate to delay a motion or postpone action on a piece of legislation
  4. 8. all members of the House and meets in House chamber but is governed by different rules
  5. 10. efforts by congress to ensure that the executive branch and anything under it are acting legally and in accordance with congressional goals
  1. 2. an agreement in the senate that sets the terms for consideration of a bill
  2. 4. procedure through which senators can end a filibuster and proceed to action
  3. 6. the power a president has to reject a bill passed by congress and send it back to congress
  4. 7. trading of votes on legislation by members of congress to get their earmarks passed into legislation
  5. 9. a delay placed on legislation by a senator who objects a bill