Techniques of persuasion

  1. 2. Phrasing that goes beyond the literal meaning of words to get a message across
  2. 4. Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand
  3. 5. An idea or feeling provoked by a word
  4. 8. Judgements presented in a logical way
  5. 9. I/we/you/she/they/he
  6. 13. Words charged with underlying meaning or implication
  7. 14. A statement that presents something as better or worse than it really is
  8. 18. A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief
  9. 20. Strong feelings derived from an object or set of circumstances
  1. 1. A question asked rather for dramatic effect, than to be answered
  2. 3. An individual way of speaking or writing especially when used to express an emotion
  3. 6. The quality of being trusted and believed in
  4. 7. Information indicating whether a proposition or belief is valid or true
  5. 10. The reoccurrence of words or phrases
  6. 11. When three adjectives or phrases are listed
  7. 12. Personal stories
  8. 15. Describing words
  9. 16. The repetition of words starting with the same letter
  10. 17. A phrase or opinion that is overused and often well known
  11. 19. Addressing and criticizing an opposing view