  1. 3. (v)to upload or write a message or picture on website or using social media
  2. 4. (v) to connect an electrical equipment to another electrical equipment or to the electricity supply
  3. 5. (n)a book that is kept on the Internet or on a computer, and not printed on paper
  4. 10. (n)the set of tools or clothing we need to use for an activity
  5. 11. to copy programs or information to computer over the Internet
  6. 12. (v)to put electricity into an electrical device such as a battery
  7. 14. (n)a website on which people put their information regularly , often everyday
  8. 15. (v)use a machine to make a copy of a document or picture and put it into a computer
  9. 17. (a)using computer technology
  1. 1. (n)a paper or set of papers with written or printed information
  2. 2. (n) = information technology the science and activity of using computers and computer programs to keep, store and send information
  3. 6. (n)a small piece of equipment that you connect to a computer to copy and store information
  4. 7. to copy or move programs or information to the Internet
  5. 8. (n)the use of science to do something in real life that makes our life easier and better.
  6. 9. (v)to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future
  7. 13. (plural n)information, facts or numbers that a computer stores and uses
  8. 16. (v)make a phone call to someone