
  1. 4. The files added to the message.
  2. 5. the mail server where the account is located.
  3. 7. Is a term used to describe the process of inserting an object into a device or moving data into another location.
  4. 8. A space on a computer screen or web page where you type a word or piece of information that you want to find.
  5. 10. When do you want turn the page.
  6. 13. Is when you charge again the contents of a window.
  7. 14. the pre-written text file appended to the end of the message.
  1. 1. when you clicked the update stop.
  2. 2. of text that, when clicked, takes you to another web page.
  3. 3. A computer program that finds information on the internet by looking for words that you have typed in.
  4. 6. Is one of the ways in which you can receive e-mail over the Internet.
  5. 9. All the unsolicited email messages.
  6. 11. blind carbon copy.
  7. 12. Is the address of a file on the internet.