
  1. 2. short for “Web log,” a Web page that a writer updates regularly with news or opinions
  2. 3. delay caused by too much traffic on a network
  3. 4. to suddenly stop working
  4. 7. the tool in a draw program that determines the distance between two objects
  5. 8. to place a duplicate of a selection on the Clipboard
  1. 1. a file left on a hard drive by a Web site that the user visits
  2. 3. an informal, public, real-time tele-conference
  3. 5. third-party software programs developed specifically for smart phones, tablet computers and some PCs
  4. 6. he smallest unit of information with values of either 0 or 1; a number that is a building block for computer languages; short for binary digit
  5. 7. raw, or unprocessed, information