
  1. 2. a person who uses or operates something
  2. 5. flat glowing part of a device
  3. 9. facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  4. 10. charged with, or producing electricity.
  5. 12. an electronic device for the visual presentation of data
  6. 14. machine used for printing
  7. 15. to talk to someone in a casual way
  1. 1. a storage for files inside a device
  2. 3. a piece of equipment with the moving parts that uses electricity
  3. 4. a set of keys to operate computer or other device
  4. 6. especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
  5. 7. is a way of being able to use
  6. 8. collection of a computer data
  7. 11. means happening right now
  8. 13. portable computer