
  1. 2. you can search that online or on books
  2. 5. a device that you use to make calls or access the internet
  3. 6. to get something that is on the cloud to your PC or phone
  4. 9. electronic message or address
  5. 10. devices that you use to access internet, and produce other things
  6. 11. things that help us evolve our work
  7. 14. sequence of moving images
  1. 1. a net that connects people who are in different places
  2. 3. to put something from your phone or PC to the cloud
  3. 4. a device we use to make calls
  4. 7. softwares you have on the cellphone
  5. 8. things you write to people who are not near you
  6. 12. a fun thing you can play
  7. 13. a type of internet connection