
  1. 2. Part of a computer or laptop which is used for typing.
  2. 4. A gadget you can put on your car dashboard and it helps you with your navigation / directions.
  3. 5. A tool you use to take photographs. Sometimes you have a small version on your laptop.
  4. 6. A machine which will PRINT your documents and images.
  5. 7. Used to make calls and also to access the internet, to pay bills - everything!
  6. 9. A machine similar to a computer but smaller and easier to carry.
  1. 1. A gadget that is similar to a SmartPhone but bigger, and you can't make calls on it.
  2. 3. A device similar to an iPad, but only used for e-Books.
  3. 5. A machine that you use to do something digitally.
  4. 8. An accessory you use to hear music or audio.